Work / Scale Models
The models which I produce are made of wood, iron wire, sewing thread, and often everyday objects like spoons, sugar cubes, coffee mugs, etc. The very small scale of the miniature people crowding upon the model, is to impose a gods eye view on the spectator. This displays the work in crowd as the primary subject. In this vision we define ourselves as human in our combined efforts, dreams, and accomplishments. What does bind this characters is that they are all working together towards a common goal. This off course, turns the subject towards concepts like community and the engagements of cultures, and nations in history.
The fruits of our labour might be not that important, or even noticeabl after all, but in a group we can accomplish great deeds. What is shown in this works, is wonder or even admiration for human ingenuity, and respect for the unyielding will that produced what we literally look up to. As individuals we are small and dramatically finite, but what we can accomplish as a group may echo through the ages. On another level it speaks about figurative perspective itself, the little people working on a peppermill as if it is a grand monument, makes one think about how we perceive the world and what we take for measurable fact.
Good times were had by all, 2022
32cm tall x 22cm cross section mat glass bell jar old plastic oil lamp wood ironwire
To light up the dark, 2015
45cm tall x 28cm cross section mat glass bell jar candle candle holder from a church wood ironwire
We are all special now, 2022
30cm x 18cm x 34cm mat glass bell jar pig bones animal skull wood ironwire
Tell me where your brother is, 2019
€4200, 35cm tall x 20cm cross section mat glass bell jar leather glove wood nail chains ironwire
Right where you are, 2022
40cm tall x 30cm, cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire glass honey jar sand
I’m going to smell so pretty tonight, 2019
50cm tall x 30cm cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire perfume bottle
Wealth of the moment, 2023
63cm tall x 36cm cross section mat glass bell jar coffee grinder wood marble dust rocks beads ironwire
It’s time, 2022
46cm tall x 25cm cross section mat glass bell jar copper wood ironwire old tap old school bell
Ceci avait probablement une fonction rituelle
€5800, 29cm tall x 15cm cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire old pipe
To the other side, 2015
€6200, 50cm tall x 50cm x 50cm materials glass bell jar Iron gate ornament wood ironwire
Finally got it, 2020
28cm tall x 15cm cross section mat glass bell jar lobster pincer wood old money silicone ironwire
Why are you hurting me, 2018
38cm tall x 20cm x 32cm mat glass bell jar wood ironwire porcelain sea shell
Someday we’ll all be free, 2014
€5200, 40cm tall x 40cm x 40cm, mat plexiglass case wood ironwire old hand drill
Voice of the people, 2024
33cm tall x 18cm x 31cm mat glass bell jar copper instruments wood ironwire rock
Beset by stone, 2019
60cm tall x 50cm x 50cm mat plexiglass wood rock sculpted in the medieval era ironwire copper mouthpiece stamp old oil dispenser porcelain figurine
Hermit king, 2021
16cm tall x 10cm cross, section mat glass bell jar wood iron wire bovine bone from the eighty years war
Being is becoming, 2021
36cm tall x 25cm, cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire old siphon old coral
Eden within
€8900, 64cm tall x 38cm, cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire paper ostrich egg mirror plastic
Finally got it, 2020
28cm tall x 15cm cross, section mat glass bell jar lobster pincer wood old money silicone ironwire