Now we know small, 2024
€4800, 31cm tall x 15cm materials plexiglass wood ironwire peppermill
Good times were had by all, 2022
32cm tall x 22cm cross section mat glass bell jar old plastic oil lamp wood ironwire
Cast Lead, 2019
15cm high x 10cm cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire copper tin
To light up the dark, 2015
45cm tall x 28cm cross section mat glass bell jar candle candle holder from a church wood ironwire
We are all special now, 2022
30cm x 18cm x 34cm mat glass bell jar pig bones animal skull wood ironwire
Tell me where your brother is, 2019
€4200, 35cm tall x 20cm cross section mat glass bell jar leather glove wood nail chains ironwire
Sisyphussugar 9, 2019
€5200, 36cm tall x 28cm x 29cm mat plexiglass case jar wood ironwire marble
Right where you are, 2022
40cm tall x 30cm, cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire glass honey jar sand
Self and other, 2022
43cm tall x 18cm cross section mat glass bell jar wood iron wire
Roasting fairies, 2023
27cm tall x 15cm cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire old lamp
I’m going to smell so pretty tonight, 2019
50cm tall x 30cm cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire perfume bottle
Wealth of the moment, 2023
63cm tall x 36cm cross section mat glass bell jar coffee grinder wood marble dust rocks beads ironwire
It’s time, 2022
46cm tall x 25cm cross section mat glass bell jar copper wood ironwire old tap old school bell
Rebirth, 2021
28cm high x 14cm cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire chicken egg
Gallery, 2024
€2600, 20cm tall x 8cm, cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire tiny paintings
I prefer mine black, 2013
50cm tall x 50cm mat plexiglass case wood iron wire coffee grinder
Ceci avait probablement une fonction rituelle
€5800, 29cm tall x 15cm cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire old pipe
But what does it mean, 2020
27cm x 18cm x 36cm high mat turnip fork ironwire wood
To the other side, 2015
€6200, 50cm tall x 50cm x 50cm materials glass bell jar Iron gate ornament wood ironwire
Finally got it, 2020
28cm tall x 15cm cross section mat glass bell jar lobster pincer wood old money silicone ironwire
Why are you hurting me, 2018
38cm tall x 20cm x 32cm mat glass bell jar wood ironwire porcelain sea shell
Artist’s Studio
€1200, 8cm tall x 10cm
Someday we’ll all be free, 2014
€5200, 40cm tall x 40cm x 40cm, mat plexiglass case wood ironwire old hand drill
Voice of the people, 2024
33cm tall x 18cm x 31cm mat glass bell jar copper instruments wood ironwire rock
€6200, 28cm tall x 20cm x 10cm mat glass bell jar wood ironwire eggs plastic
Beset by stone, 2019
60cm tall x 50cm x 50cm mat plexiglass wood rock sculpted in the medieval era ironwire copper mouthpiece stamp old oil dispenser porcelain figurine
Sometimes it takes one, 2019
40cm x 40cm x 40cm mat glass bell jar bronze wood ironwire
38cm high x 29cm x 16cm, mat glass bell jar pigeon egg burner wood plastic ironwire
Hermit king, 2021
16cm tall x 10cm cross, section mat glass bell jar wood iron wire bovine bone from the eighty years war
Let it burn, 2021
48cm tall x 22cm, cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire old bunsen burner
Being is becoming, 2021
36cm tall x 25cm, cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire old siphon old coral
Eden within
€8900, 64cm tall x 38cm, cross section mat glass bell jar wood ironwire paper ostrich egg mirror plastic
Finally got it, 2020
28cm tall x 15cm cross, section mat glass bell jar lobster pincer wood old money silicone ironwire
Breaching the edge, 2014
€4200, scale model, iron yarn, sewing thread, feather, needles, wood, glass dome, 25 x 25 x 45 cm